Spruitje - Big Brother
Jonael van der Sloot - artist, designer and permaculturist - creates plants in lamps with his company 'Spruitje'. They're microbiotoopjes or, as they are called on the website, 'sustainable worlds'. These tiny worlds or living luminous lamps are almost completely self-sufficient. No water or oxygen needs to be added because the plants provide for themselves. Jonael wants to bring the wonderful world of nature close to us by showing how plants grow and how they expire, because you don't need people to maintain nature. The beauty of the 'sustainable worlds' is that they always take unique forms; this is why all microbiotoopje are one of a kind.
Jonael was raised on biodynamic farms in Argentina and Chile; later he moved to Amsterdam where projects Sprout actually originated in his tiny apartment.
Here on the product image you can see 'Big Brother', which is made in a big recycled vase. The LED light on top, contributes little or nothing to the growth. The placement is therefore old-fashioned: place in the daylight.